This is my happy face. A journey that began more than a decade ago came to completion today…woah, I am overwhelmed in the best possible way. I discovered the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) and completed the Core Curriculum, for the first time, in 2011. I had moved home from L.A. and was working in a corporate management job that I hated. I was uninspired and bored and playing small in my life. CTI spoke a language that I wanted in my bones. Coaching lit me up! It used all of the pieces of me, including the ones that often go by the wayside in corporate environments: Intuition, Creativity, Connection, Play. I found my dream job. And then, I failed. I thought I needed a business name and a niche and a website and a whole lot of things that I didn’t actually need…so, I quit coaching and fell back into the safety of my old job. And then, after years away from working as a coach, I attended CTI’s 3-Day Leadership Experience in 2019. I was hooked again, and this time I was ready. I joined the 10-Month Leadership Program and repeated the Core Curriculum, finishing virtually in the year of quarantine. I filled my client roster and started coaching full-time. And here I am, more than a decade after my introduction to CTI and a million lives later…I am a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, and it’s one of the proudest moments of my life. (I’m definitely crying again) I’ve done a lot of things, checked a lot of boxes and fulfilled a lot of dreams. This one took perseverance and faith. It took all of me, and all of my courage and heart. Fitting to fulfill this dream on the Leo Full Moon, I think…meow. Being Co-Active has changed my life. It changed the way I experience and listen and respond to myself and others and the world. It changed the way I show up, the way I create, the way I live and love. Learning and growing along this path is one of the greatest gifts of my life, and it ain’t over yet… I wouldn’t be here without every single person, client, coach, colleague, friend, lover, stranger who has crossed my path, and there are a few that I want to name. The tribe of amazing women who surround me and color my life in rainbows and magic…thank you for seeing me and calling me out on all my bullshit. My personal coach, Pat, who taught me the incredible power of coaching from and in “being” space. He inspires me to move into a wider range and depth in my own coaching. Rick, who probably doesn’t know it, but who brought me back to the pure joy and magic of being a Co-Active Coach after too many years away. He saw my soul and called me forth into braver, bigger spaces. Helen and Cynthia, who gave me the gift of assisting! They also demonstrated, with such grace, the absolute integration of coaching and who we are as individuals. Man, all of this…it’s the real magic! What’s the bottom-line? You know that place in your heart and soul that longs to really, deeply embrace your life? Live from that place, go without knowing, go long before you’re ready…this is your life, your one shot in this skin to make a difference and to live into the fullest, boldest, most authentic expression of who you are. You deserve that and the world needs it. Being a coach is a huge part of who I am…no niche required.
